DIY Marble Run from Recycled Cardboard in 3 Fun Steps!

Marble Run

Kids always want something new to do! The early years of a child’s life are extremely important. The child is growing and developing, learning new things every day. You can help your child grow and develop to the fullest by keeping him or her busy! If you’ve got a little one that seems to be […]

Fun DIY Cardboard Play Kitchen

DIY Cardboard Play Kitchen

Playsets are expensive and you can guarantee the kids will outgrow them long before they wear out. So why not just build one for your kids yourself? You and your kids will love this project! Instead of buying, make this play kitchen together with your kids. This is a great way to spend time with […]

21 Ways to Repurpose Denim Jeans

Repurposed Jeans

There’s a reason why denims never go out of fashion. The fabric is among the most versatile and practical, beloved in its time by soldiers, railway workers, and, of course, since the mid-1950s, by anyone who has ever worn a pair. Of course, we can’t wear them forever however much we’d want to. The kids […]

Top 10 Best Pool Noodle Projects to Make With Kids

Pool Noodle Projects

Here are some pool noodle projects great for the kids — for play and home decor! Many parents warn their children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Fewer parents, though, remember to warn kids against games that are so risky they can lead to injury. Children frequently keep details about these games under wraps. […]

Cute and Easy Envelope: 7 Creative Steps

DIY Envelope

Most of the fascinating things that have occurred to us at home are that we have built up small supplies of things around the house to solve last-minute issues. An example of these small supplies is a greeting card. We know that having a nice little supply of greeting cards can sure be helpful in a […]

Biodegradable Newspaper Seedling Pots: 5 Easy Steps

A sustainable and free seedling pot.

When it comes to sprucing up your house, garden, and health, a few plants can go a long, long way. It’s not just about improving your home’s aesthetic. Experts say that even when you don’t normally notice a plant’s presence, seeing a plant can make you feel calm and relaxed. But what I dislike most […]

DIY Lego Man Costume: Fun 6-Step Project for Kids

Lego Costume

In need of a costume for the little one? Here’s an awesome lego man costume idea other kids on the block will envy! :) The first thing you’re going to love about this costume is that it uses free (or very cheap) material — boxes! And since this is a DIY costume, you can make […]

Beautiful Shower Curtain from Bed Sheet: Easy 8-Step Guide

Bored of your shower curtains? Here’s an idea – instead of replacing it with a regular one, why not repurpose old vintage bed sheets into your own custom shower curtains. :) If you still have your favorite vintage bed sheets stacked somewhere, take them out and use them for this easy DIY project. This project is […]

DIY Wands in 3 Fun Steps: Great Harry Potter Gift

DIY magic wand

Visit any preschool classroom during free play and you will likely see a child pretending to be someone else. Beyond being fun for kids, pretending and other kinds of imaginative play are critical to healthy child development. When kids pretend they’re pirates or wizards, or create their own characters using dolls or action figures, they […]

Creative Soda Pop Tab Lampshade: Fun 9-Step Lighting

DIY Soda Pop Tab Lamp Shade

Soda pop tabs, soft drink tabs, beer tabs – call them what you will but most people will still see them as rubbish! In isolation, they may look unattractive and useless, but start putting a few together and you can actually make some really cool things, like a beautiful soda pop tab lampshade! If you need or […]