DIY Glass Bottle Torch: 6 Easy Steps For Your Home

Glass bottle torch 1

Do you ever wonder if your empty wine bottles are good for anything other than the rubbish bin? Well, we’ve got you covered right here. This DIY wine bottle project will not only inspire your creativity but will also upgrade the look of any outdoor space in an instant. Transform Your Backyard with a DIY […]

Beautiful Nail Polish Marbled Flower Pots: 10-Step Project

We have a lot of nail polish at home – and I mean A LOT. My eldest daughter loves painting her nails, playing matchy-matchy with her outfit. Because her friends know this about her, she receives a lot of nail polish. There are a few, though, which she doesn’t like so they end up in […]

Biodegradable Newspaper Seedling Pots: 5 Easy Steps

A sustainable and free seedling pot.

When it comes to sprucing up your house, garden, and health, a few plants can go a long, long way. It’s not just about improving your home’s aesthetic. Experts say that even when you don’t normally notice a plant’s presence, seeing a plant can make you feel calm and relaxed. But what I dislike most […]

Spooky Man-Eating Monster Plants Decoration in 10 Easy Steps

It’s the season for growing man-eating monster plants! OK – so these plants may not be real but they are definitely the perfect plants to put in your pots for the Halloween! The more wild and menacing they look, the more fun it is for everyone who loves Halloween. It’s very easy to make and only takes about two hours […]

Awesome DIY Plastic Bottle Planters: 3 Easy Steps

The mass of plastic detritus present in the oceans is so enormous that some call it the “7th continent.” In fact, at the rate that we manufacture and use plastic now, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050. That’s why – now more than ever – we should recycle plastic […]

Colorful DIY Wind Chime: 6-Step Project

Bottle Cap Wind Chime

Save some money by making your own unique and colorful wind chime from bottle caps! Add a splash of color to your yard by making a DIY wind chime from bottle caps! This project is easy and only requires a few materials that you may already have around the house. Simply collect a few colorful […]

Stunning DIY Concrete Mushroom with Lights: Fast 1-Day Build

Among the many advantages of the internet is the fact that it gives us too many options when it comes to decorating our homes. Ideas seem to pop up here and there and, the next thing we know, we have a new “must-have”. While some of the trends are not really necessary, it can be […]

Make Your Own Golf Ball Ladybugs: 5 Fun Steps

Golf Ball Ladybug Featured

Got a number of unused golf balls at home? Then recycle them and make a cute decoration for your garden! Painting these balls to look like ladybugs is easy so it’s a great project to do with kids. As long as they already have good control of their hands, they can definitely make their own beautiful DIY ladybugs. Just […]

DIY Garden Windmill: 10 Creative Steps

How’d you want something as adorable as this in your garden? Gone were the days when all gardens looked almost the same. Nowadays, there are people who offer their services as landscape artists or garden decorators. They’re experts at creating beauty out of chaos, so to speak. However, there are some of us who have […]

Upcycled: Make a Watering Wine Bottle in 7 Easy Steps

Upcycled Watering Wine Bottle

Got empty wine bottles? If you have a garden or growing some produce, then this is the wine bottle project for you – especially if you live in a hot and dry place… Your own version of watering globes! You can always find and buy watering globes from stores, but this idea is way better for a […]