Make DIY Fabric Flowers in 7 Creative Steps!

Fabric Flowers

We all know the benefits of having a potted plant or a bouquet of flowers in our home. Not only do they add accent to indoor spaces, but they can also add a relaxed,  beautiful atmosphere to even the dreariest corners of one’s home. Fresh flowers are the best as they are not only pretty, […]

Top 10 Best Sandpit Ideas for Your Home

Sandpit Boat

Technology and science are at their peak in this modern era! Mobile phones, iPods, TVs, and computers are always displaying touch and display screens! This has caused the person to become physically inactive, which is causing some health problems! Every age group seems to be addicted to screens, especially teenagers and kids, causing our generation […]

Make Art from Old Book Pages in 9 Creative Steps!

Upcycled Old Book Art

Don’t you just love ideas that turn old, unused items into something new and interesting? Old books are a particularly fun and versatile medium for this purpose. Whether we’ve come to love reading at five or at fifty, the experience becomes a significant and treasured part of our lives. And if you are a reader, then […]

DIY Glass Bottle Torch: 6 Easy Steps For Your Home

Glass bottle torch 1

Do you ever wonder if your empty wine bottles are good for anything other than the rubbish bin? Well, we’ve got you covered right here. This DIY wine bottle project will not only inspire your creativity but will also upgrade the look of any outdoor space in an instant. Transform Your Backyard with a DIY […]

How to Make Kans Grass Paper Flower: 6 Creative Steps

Paper Flowers

Sometimes paper flowers are better than real ones because they last longer and do not need maintenance. They are also great decorations for house parties. Their colours are more solid and brighter so people are sure to notice them. This beautiful paper project best imitates kans grass/Saccharum spontaneum. You can use craft paper or make customized paper flowers […]

How to Make a Gift Bow: 4 Easy Steps

DIY Gift Bow

Need some really pretty gift bows for your Christmas presents? No need to add those to your Christmas gift shopping list or take a last-minute trip to the store! You can easily make them yourself using any nice-looking paper you already have at home! Most DIY projects usually require more time and preparation to accomplish. But this little DIY project […]

Eco-Friendly Wine Bottle Crafts: 10 Fun Projects

An image of a wine bottle craft vase.

Wine bottle craft projects are a fantastic way to repurpose empty bottles and unleash your creativity. Instead of tossing those beautiful glass bottles into the recycling bin, why not transform them into unique and decorative items for your home? This weekend, take some time to explore the endless possibilities of wine bottle crafts. From elegant […]

Daddy’s Shirts Into A Dress: Practical & Cute 7-Step Project


Sometimes we have a favorite shirt that we just can’t wear anymore but don’t want to throw away, either. If you happen to be raising your daughters, then this project is definitely for you. Got some old shirts that daddy doesn’t wear anymore? Why not turn daddy’s shirts into a dress for little girls?! They’ll […]

Top 8 Best Ribbon Storage Ideas

Ribbon Storage Ideas

Got too many rolls of ribbons in your craft station? Then you are going to love this storage ideas list we have for you below! These ribbon storage ideas will keep all your ribbons organized in one place. They also make it very easy for you to see and access all the roll that you have. If you […]

Convenient Wine Corkboard in 4 Simple Steps!

A wine corkboard is a very, very easy and useful project that you ought to try. Wine is always a good idea. Whether you’ve had a rough day at work or you just got promoted, drinking wine seems to be the best choice. Since this has been a favorite go-to drink for quite a while […]