Beautiful Nail Polish Marbled Flower Pots: 10-Step Project

We have a lot of nail polish at home – and I mean A LOT. My eldest daughter loves painting her nails, playing matchy-matchy with her outfit. Because her friends know this about her, she receives a lot of nail polish. There are a few, though, which she doesn’t like so they end up in […]

Make Your Own Adorable Pompom Rug in 6 Brilliant Steps!

DIY Pompom Rug Main Image

Hey! Think your home needs to be a little more inviting and child-friendly? Adding a pompom rug will definitely help! Pompom rugs can be homey gifts for your feet and eyes. I remember seeing this fluffy decor in a friend’s living room. I could not help but make one for the kids. To my amazement, this home […]

Top 10 Best Pool Noodle Projects to Make With Kids

Pool Noodle Projects

Here are some pool noodle projects great for the kids — for play and home decor! Many parents warn their children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Fewer parents, though, remember to warn kids against games that are so risky they can lead to injury. Children frequently keep details about these games under wraps. […]

DIY Decorative Water Candles

Did you know it’s possible to make candles with water? In all honesty, I didn’t. In fact, I was surprised to learn that it really is doable. I did an internet search and true enough, I found proof that some people succeeded in making decorative water candles. My curiosity piqued, and I decided to try […]

Beautiful DIY Decorative Garden Balls: 4 Simple Steps

DIY Decorative Garden Balls | 4 Simple Steps

This fun and creative project will surely add pops of color to your garden. Gardening is an assertion of influence on a tiny sliver of the environment – that’s influence, not control. The wise gardener seeks to employ the elements of the garden’s environment – soil, plants, critters, the weather – to produce a small, […]

5 Magical Decorating Ideas Using Fairy Lights

Adding a little sparkle to a room can help to make any space feel more enchanting. They are the perfect way to add a magical touch to your decor. Whether you’re decorating for a party or simply want to add a touch of whimsy to your home, using fairy lights to create a unique atmosphere […]

Wonderful Murals Done by a 91-Year Old Czech Grandmother

It’s never too late to start living your dream! A 91-year-old grandmother from Louka, a small village in the Czech Republic, proved that age is never a hindrance. Her love of murals blossomed after she retired! You never know when your dream will come true, so it is always good to keep your eyes out […]

Convenient Cement Lace Bowl: 12 Creative Steps

DIY Cement Lace Bowl

Feeling crafty? Here’s a little DIY decor project with doilies you can try! A cement lace bowl is a small, delicate bowl excellent for holding small items such as keys, earrings, and small trinkets. You can always buy them from a specialty store, but why spend good money on something you can make at home for much […]

Beautiful Shower Curtain from Bed Sheet: Easy 8-Step Guide

Bored of your shower curtains? Here’s an idea – instead of replacing it with a regular one, why not repurpose old vintage bed sheets into your own custom shower curtains. :) If you still have your favorite vintage bed sheets stacked somewhere, take them out and use them for this easy DIY project. This project is […]

Spooky Man-Eating Monster Plants Decoration in 10 Easy Steps

It’s the season for growing man-eating monster plants! OK – so these plants may not be real but they are definitely the perfect plants to put in your pots for the Halloween! The more wild and menacing they look, the more fun it is for everyone who loves Halloween. It’s very easy to make and only takes about two hours […]