DIY Brown Lunch Bag: 7 Helpful Steps

DIY Brown Lunch Bag

The most obvious answer to the question, “Why use reusable bags?” is to reduce the impact of plastic and paper bags on the environment.  It should come as no surprise that single-use bags are crowding landfills and endangering wildlife. In fact, pleas from the environment-conscious to reduce our waste have become so common these days […]

21 Ways to Repurpose Denim Jeans

Repurposed Jeans

There’s a reason why denims never go out of fashion. The fabric is among the most versatile and practical, beloved in its time by soldiers, railway workers, and, of course, since the mid-1950s, by anyone who has ever worn a pair. Of course, we can’t wear them forever however much we’d want to. The kids […]

DIY Concrete Letters: 5 Effective Steps

Concrete Letters

While the process of decorating your home is exciting, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Your goal should be to share your aesthetic preferences in a tasteful way. This objective is important if you want a pleasant home to live in and enjoy. It is even better if your house is filled […]

How to Tie-Dye White Shirts: 7 Fun Steps

How to Tie Dye a White Shirt

Every time I see a tie-dye shirt, I remember the early 90’s. It is mostly associated with the 1960s era, but I know it became popular again in the 90s. It was the time when almost everybody I saw was wearing these multicoloured tops. I still think they are cute to own though. If you […]

6 Easy Steps to Make Incredible DIY Solar Lights in Jars

DIY Mason Jar Solar Lighting

These mason jar lightings are definitely cute during nighttime. Admit it, seeing it in the pictures makes you smile already! Now, why not make a few for yourself? :) You can always make cool crafts that involve DIY lights in jars, and they are always so much fun. This is why we are always looking […]

14 Best Ways to Reuse Mason Jars

Mason Jar Ideas

We already know that mason jars were made to preserve food. And so we reuse them to store other foods when they go empty. When we already have enough food containers, we either bin or give them away. Well, at least that’s what happens most of the time. Mason jars are so versatile and can be used […]

Rock the Block: Design Your Pillows with Your Favourite Colours in 6 Helpful Steps

Rock the Block

From water and milk jugs to cleaning product containers and shampoo bottles, our homes are brimming with things that make our lives more convenient. That’s what most of modern society is about these days. But many of us often throw away items that can easily be reused or recycled instead. For instance, we don’t always […]

DIY Galaxy Play Dough: 5 Fun Steps

galaxy play dough

So many of the children’s toys that are popular today seem to have less and less benefit for their social, cognitive, and motor skills development. Surrounded by technology, many spend hours sitting on the couch staring at screens with only their fingers and eyeballs moving. I often see children as young as one and two years old playing with their parents’ tablets or […]

DIY Paracord Bracelet: 4 Creative Steps

DIY Paracord Bracelet

War brings out the best and worst in people. Most of us know all about the horrible things we do to each other in war. We have seen them in the news and read about them in books. Ironically, however, wars have also produced some of the best equipment, technology, and materials we see and […]