Lap Dog Bed

Comfortable Lap Dog Bed: Money Saving 4-Step Guide

We beat ourselves up about not spending enough time with our dog, telling him off, or not having enough money to buy him his favorite treat. You look at him and it’s just there: that quick canine glance upward that says, “You let me down again.” We feel like bad friends as a result of it.

Does your dog ‘give guilt’ every time you leave for work? Or does he or she love lying on your lap so much that it’s hard to get anything done around the house? This DIY lap dog bed is a really clever solution for you…

Old Jeans Lap Dog Bed Samples
DIY lap dog bed

Make a no-sew lap dog bed/pillow so that he or she can always sit on your lap, even when you are not there!

Choose an old pair of jeans that you aren’t using anymore. If you can, wear them for an entire day before doing this project so that your scent stays on them. You can stuff it with old pillows if you have any, but you can also make use of your other old clothes.

With this cozy dog bed, you don’t have to worry about your pet crying all the while you’re out and busy!

You can really improve the quality of your dog’s life by making a DIY dog bed. There’s just something so fun and comfortable about these beds! On these beds, your dog will enjoy sleeping, snuggling, and playing. Investing in it is the best thing you can do for your pet. BTW, this works for cats too. ;)

Do you need this clever lap dog bed?

Making a Lap Dog Bed


You’ll need the following tools and materials to make your DIY lap dog bed.

  • a pair of Jeans
  • Old Belt
  • Old Pillows
  • Scissors



To achieve the no-sew we still need to cap the leg ends of the jeans.

To do this you need to tassel the ends of the legs, each tassel should be about 10cm (3.5″) long.

Cut the tassels around the hem of each leg making sure there is an even amount – we’ll get on to that soon!

Lap Dog Bed


You have to tie the tassels all in a knot…

You will need to take two opposing tassels and knot them together using a simple overhand knot.

When you knot the tassels together you will notice the last ones will be tight – this is OK.

Keep knotting until the jeans leg is completely sealed off so no stuffing will fall through.

Lap Dog Bed


Simply tear apart the pillows and stuff the jeans! You need to keep one of the pillows in tact and you can’t use feathered pillows!

Lap Dog Bed

When there are about pillows worth of stuff left to do on the waistline you can get the full pillow and use it as a cap – it works great!

Lap Dog Bed

Add a belt or string

Now all that is left to do is add a belt or a string to complete the cap and position your new pet bed!

You can also sew the bottom parts if you want to, this will surely avoid the stuffing from falling out.

Lap Dog Bed
Lap Dog Bed

Click on any image to start the lightbox display. Use your Esc key to close the lightbox. ?

Thanks to JM1999 for this great project.

Adjusting the Bed for Different Dog Sizes and Breeds

Creating a lap dog bed that suits the size and preferences of your beloved pet is crucial for their comfort and satisfaction. Dogs, much like people, have their unique sizes, shapes, and preferences when it comes to resting places. A bed that’s too small can be restrictive, while one that’s too large may not provide the snug, secure feeling many dogs love. 

This section will guide you through customizing your DIY lap dog bed to perfectly fit your dog, ensuring it becomes their favorite resting spot.

Measure Your Dog

Start by accurately measuring your dog while they are sleeping. Measure from the tip of their nose to the base of their tail and from the top of their head to the ground. This gives you the minimum size your lap dog bed should be. For larger breeds that enjoy lap dog beds, ensure there’s enough room for them to stretch out fully without hanging off the edge.

Consider Breed-Specific Needs

Different breeds have unique needs based on their size, coat, and health concerns. For instance, smaller breeds like Chihuahuas or Yorkies prefer cozy spaces that offer warmth and security, so a snug lap dog bed with raised edges might be ideal. Larger breeds might need more support to cushion their joints, especially if they are older. Incorporating a thicker, orthopedic base into your lap dog bed can provide extra comfort for them.

Adjusting Bed Size

To adjust the bed size, alter the dimensions of your initial design based on the measurements you’ve taken. If you’re making a bed from old jeans, you might need to use more than one pair or include additional fabric sections for larger dogs. For smaller beds, consider how you can compact the design without sacrificing comfort. Remember, the goal is to create a lap dog bed that mimics the warmth and security of sitting on your lap.

Customization for Comfort

Consider filling your lap dog bed. Smaller dogs might enjoy softer, more plush fillings that allow them to nestle in, whereas larger dogs might benefit from firmer support to help with joint pressure. Memory foam pieces can be an excellent choice for a supportive yet comfortable filling, especially for larger breeds.

Final Touches

Once you’ve tailored the dimensions and filling of your lap dog bed to your dog’s size and breed, think about any final adjustments. This might include adding or removing sections based on your pet’s sleeping habits or incorporating a removable cover for easy washing.

By taking the time to adjust the lap dog bed to your dog’s specific needs, you’re not just providing them with a comfortable place to rest. You’re also giving them a haven that’s perfectly suited to their size and breed, ensuring they feel loved, secure, and comfortable in their home.

Old Jeans Lap Dog Bed Samples
DIY lap dog bed

Choosing the Right Fabric for Your Lap Dog Bed

Choosing the perfect fabric for your DIY lap dog bed is crucial. The right material affects comfort, durability, and cleanliness.

Let’s explore how to pick the best fabric that ensures your pet’s bed is cozy, long-lasting, and easy to maintain.

Understand Your Dog

First, think about your dog’s unique needs. Does your pet get hot easily or need extra warmth? Are there allergies to consider? These questions help narrow down your fabric choices for the lap dog bed. You will know what is the best material for your dog’s bed when you answer all of these questions.

Durability Meets Comfort

The ideal fabric for a lap dog bed should be tough yet comfy. Canvas or denim are strong and can handle rough use. They’re also simple to clean, making them top choices for the bed’s exterior. These strong materials ensure your dog’s bed can take all the loving your furry friend will give it.

Softness Is Key

For the inside, pick a fabric like fleece or flannel. These materials are soft and warm, perfect for snuggling. They also let the skin breathe, preventing your pet from getting too hot.

Think Hypoallergenic

If your dog has sensitive skin, choose a hypoallergenic fabric. Microfiber and some cotton types are gentle on the skin. They also clean easily, keeping allergens at bay.

Cleaning Made Easy

The lap dog bed will need regular cleaning. Select fabrics that are machine washable and resist stains and odors. Removable covers made from such materials make your job easier.

Style Matters

Finally, don’t forget about style. The bed should look good in your home. Whether you love bold prints or soft hues, there’s a fabric out there that’s both practical and stylish.

Picking the right fabric for your lap dog bed means balancing your dog’s needs with practicality. Durability, comfort, and ease of cleaning are key. With the right material, you can create a bed that your pet loves and that fits seamlessly into your home.

Maintaining and Cleaning Your DIY Lap Dog Bed

Keeping your DIY lap dog bed clean and well-maintained is essential for your pet’s health and comfort. Regular cleaning not only removes dirt and odors but also ensures the bed remains a cozy spot for your furry friend. Here’s how to keep your lap dog bed in top condition, ensuring it continues to be a welcoming retreat for your pet.

Regular Cleaning Routine

Establish a regular cleaning schedule for your lap dog bed. Frequency depends on your dog’s activity level and how quickly the bed becomes dirty. A weekly vacuum can remove pet hair and dust. For deeper cleaning, aim for a monthly wash.

Washing the Bed

If your lap dog bed has a removable cover, washing it becomes easier. Remove the cover and follow the fabric care instructions. Most covers can go in the washing machine. Use a mild detergent and opt for a gentle cycle. For beds without removable covers, spot cleaning is your best bet. Use a mild soap and water solution to tackle stains.

Tackling Tough Stains

Pets can be messy. For tough stains, pretreat with a pet-safe stain remover before washing. Be sure to test the stain remover on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric first. This ensures it won’t damage the fabric of your lap dog bed.

Dealing with Odors

Over time, pet beds can develop odors. Baking soda is a safe, effective way to neutralize smells. Sprinkle it on the bed, let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum it up. For washable parts, adding a cup of vinegar to the wash can help eliminate odors without leaving a vinegar smell behind.

Drying the Bed

Air drying is the safest way to dry your lap dog bed, especially if it’s made from delicate materials. If you use a dryer, select a low heat setting and remove the bed while slightly damp to prevent shrinking. Ensure the bed is completely dry before letting your dog use it again to avoid mold or mildew.

Regular Inspection

Periodically check your lap dog bed for signs of wear and tear. Look for loose threads, tears, or areas where stuffing is coming out. Repairing these issues promptly can extend the life of the bed and keep it safe for your pet.

Seasonal Adjustments

Consider having different covers for your lap dog bed for various seasons. A cooler, breathable fabric for summer and a warmer one for winter can enhance your pet’s comfort throughout the year.

Maintaining and cleaning your DIY lap dog bed doesn’t have to be a chore. With a little time and care, you can ensure it remains a clean, comfortable, and safe space for your pet. Regular maintenance not only keeps the bed looking great but also contributes to your pet’s overall well-being.


Creating a lap dog bed offers a unique opportunity to provide your pet with a cozy, personalized resting place. Through careful selection of materials and attention to your dog’s specific needs, you can craft a bed that enhances their comfort and blends seamlessly into your home decor. This DIY project not only strengthens the bond between you and your pet but also showcases your creativity and care for their well-being.

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