Simple DIY Office Organization Ideas to Boost Productivity

Simple DIY Office Organization Ideas to Boost Productivity

Hey there! Feeling overwhelmed by clutter in your office? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. A messy desk can really put a damper on your productivity.

But guess what? You don’t need to spend a fortune to organize your workspace. In this post, we’ll share some super simple DIY office organization ideas to boost productivity.

Creative DIY Office Organization Ideas: Clutter-Free Workspace

These ideas are easy to follow, budget-friendly, and, most importantly, they work!

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Storage Bins: Small to medium-sized for sorting office supplies.
  2. Drawer Dividers: To keep your drawers neat.
  3. Wall Shelves: Great for adding extra storage space.
  4. Bulletin Board: To pin up important notes and reminders.
  5. Label Maker or Labels: For labeling your bins and folders.
  6. Desk Organizer: To hold pens, pencils, and other small items.
  7. Cable Management Clips: To keep your cables and cords untangled.
  8. Hooks and Clips: For hanging items like keys, headphones, or bags.
  9. Binders and Folders: To keep your documents organized.
  10. Plastic Trays: Perfect for sorting papers and mail.
  11. Whiteboard or Chalkboard: To jot down your daily to-dos and goals.

Step-by-Step Process:

Clear the Clutter

Start your DIY office organization idea journey by clearing everything off your desk. This initial step is crucial because it allows you to see the full extent of what you have and what needs organizing.

clear clutter
Start your DIY office organization idea journey by clearing everything off your desk.

As you remove items, sort them into three piles: keep, toss, and donate.

  • Keep
    • These are items you use regularly and need within easy reach.
    • Think about what you use daily versus what you only need occasionally.
  • Toss
    • Broken pens, outdated papers, and items that no longer serve a purpose should go into this pile.
    • Be ruthless—if it hasn’t been used in the past six months, it’s probably not essential.
  • Donate
    • Items that are in good condition but are no longer needed by you can be donated.
    • This can include extra office supplies, books, or decorative items.

By the end of this process, your desk should be completely clear, giving you a blank slate to start organizing. This not only makes it easier to organize but also helps reduce stress as you’re not constantly looking at a cluttered space.

Drawer Dividers

Drawer dividers are lifesavers when it comes to keeping small items organized. Whether it’s paper clips, sticky notes, or pens, dividers ensure everything has its place and is easy to find.

Here’s how to use them as a DIY office organization idea effectively:

  • Choose the Right Dividers
    • Measure your drawers and buy dividers that fit perfectly.
    • There are many options available, from adjustable dividers to custom-made ones.
  • Sort by Category
    • Group similar items together. For example, keep all your writing utensils in one section, and paper clips and rubber bands in another.
    • This makes it easy to find what you need quickly.
  • Label Each Section
    • If your dividers have labels, use them. This way, you’ll always know where everything belongs, and it’ll be easier to maintain the organization over time.
  • Keep It Simple: Don’t overcomplicate things. The goal is to make your life easier, so keep your system as straightforward as possible.
Drawer dividers are lifesavers when it comes to DIY office organization ideas.
Drawer dividers are lifesavers when it comes to DIY office organization ideas.

By installing drawer dividers, you ensure that everything in your drawers is easily accessible and neatly arranged, saving you time and frustration.

Use Storage Bins

Storage bins are versatile and can be used in numerous ways to keep your office tidy. Here’s how to make the most of these DIY office organization ideas:

  • Choose the Right Size
    • Depending on what you need to store, select small to medium-sized bins.
    • Smaller bins are perfect for office supplies like staples and tape, while larger bins can hold documents or personal items.
  • Label Everything
    • Use a label maker or sticky labels to mark what each bin contains.
    • This way, you won’t have to dig through multiple bins to find what you’re looking for.
  • Stack and Store
    • If you’re short on space, consider stacking bins on top of each other.
    • This maximizes your storage capacity without taking up additional floor space.
  • Keep Frequently Used Items Accessible
    • Store items you use often in bins that are easy to reach.
    • Less frequently used items can be stored higher up or in less accessible areas.
  • Personal Items
    • Designate a bin for personal items like snacks, hand lotion, or a spare charger.
    • This keeps them handy but out of the way of your work items.

Using storage bins helps compartmentalize your items, making your workspace more organized and efficient.

Add Wall Shelves

Wall shelves are a fantastic DIY office organization idea for adding extra storage without taking up floor space. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use them effectively:

Wall shelves: a brilliant DIY office organization idea for extra storage.
  • Choose the Right Shelves
    • Consider the weight and size of the items you plan to store.
    • Heavy-duty shelves are great for books and binders, while lighter shelves can hold decorative items and small office supplies.
  • Plan Your Layout
    • Before drilling holes, plan where you want your shelves to go.
    • Think about what you’ll be storing and how often you’ll need to access those items.
    • Use a level to ensure your shelves will be straight.
  • Install Securely
    • Use the appropriate wall anchors and screws to secure your shelves.
    • Make sure they can handle the weight of the items you plan to store.
    • If you’re not confident in your ability to install them, consider getting help.
  • Organize Smartly
    • Place items you use frequently on lower, more accessible shelves.
    • Items you don’t use as often can go on higher shelves.
    • Use bins or baskets on the shelves to keep smaller items organized.
  • Decorate
    • Shelves aren’t just for storage; they can also be used to add a personal touch to your office.
    • Add a few decorative items like plants, photos, or art to make your workspace feel more inviting.

Adding wall shelves helps you make the most of vertical space, keeping your desk clear and your office organized.

Organize Cables

Cables and cords can quickly become a tangled mess, but with a little effort, you can keep them neat and organized. Here’s how:

DIY office organization idea: Keep cables and cords neat and organized.
DIY office organization idea: Keep cables and cords neat and organized.
  • Identify the Cables
    • First, figure out what each cable is for.
    • Label them using tags or tape, so you know which cable belongs to which device.
  • Use Cable Management Clips
    • These clips are a simple way to keep cables from tangling.
    • Stick them to the back or underside of your desk and run your cables through them.
  • Cable Sleeves
    • If you have multiple cables running in the same direction, use a cable sleeve to bundle them together.
    • This not only looks neater but also prevents tangling.
  • Hide Cables
    • If possible, run cables behind furniture or along the edges of walls to keep them out of sight.
    • Cable covers can be used to keep them secure and hidden.
  • Velcro Straps
    • Use Velcro straps to bundle excess cable length.
    • This prevents long cables from getting in the way and keeps your workspace tidy.

By organizing your cables, you reduce the visual clutter and make your workspace safer and more efficient.

Create a Command Center

A command center is a dedicated space where you organize important notes, reminders, and to-do lists. This DIY office organization idea is perfect for keeping your workspace tidy and ensuring you stay on top of your tasks.

Implementing a command center as a DIY office organization idea allows you to have a central location for all your essential information, making it easier to manage your daily activities. This simple yet effective DIY office organization idea can significantly enhance your productivity and keep your office environment clutter-free.

Create a command center: a perfect DIY office organization idea for productivity.
Create a command center: a perfect DIY office organization idea for productivity.

Here’s how to set one up:

  • Choose Your Tools: Decide whether you want a bulletin board, whiteboard, chalkboard, or a combination. Each has its own benefits, so choose what works best for you.
  • Position It Well: Place your command center in a spot that’s easy to see from your desk. This could be on the wall in front of you or on the side, as long as it’s within easy reach and sight.
  • Pin Up Important Notes: Use your command center to pin up important notes, deadlines, and reminders. Color-code them if it helps you stay organized.
  • Daily To-Do List: Dedicate a section of your command center to your daily to-do list. This keeps you focused on what needs to be done each day.
  • Inspiration and Motivation: Add some motivational quotes or images that inspire you. This can boost your morale and keep you positive throughout the day.

Setting up a command center helps you keep track of important information and tasks, making you more organized and productive.

Desk Organizer

A good desk organizer can make a huge difference in keeping your workspace tidy. Here’s how to choose and use one effectively:

Choose the Right Organizer: Look for an organizer that has compartments for all your small items like pens, pencils, paper clips, and sticky notes. There are many styles available, so choose one that fits your needs and space.

A DIY office organization idea: Choose and use desk organizers effectively for tidiness.
A DIY office organization idea: Choose and use desk organizers effectively for tidiness.

Sort by Use: Place items you use frequently in the most accessible compartments. For example, keep pens and pencils within easy reach, and less frequently used items in the back or in lower compartments.

Maintain It: Regularly clean out your desk organizer. Remove items you no longer need and ensure everything is in its designated spot.

Decorate: Choose an organizer that fits your style. There are many designs available, from sleek modern to rustic wood, so pick one that matches your office decor.

Using a desk organizer helps you keep small items in order, making your workspace more efficient and pleasant to work in.

Label Everything

Labeling is a simple yet effective way to keep your office organized. Here’s how to do it right:

  • Label Maker: Invest in a good label maker. This tool allows you to create clear, professional-looking labels for everything in your office.
  • Label Bins and Folders: Make sure every bin, folder, and drawer is labeled. This way, you’ll always know where everything is and can find it quickly.
  • Color-Coded Labels: Use color-coded labels to differentiate between
  • Color-Coded Labels: Use color-coded labels to differentiate between categories of items. For example, use one color for office supplies, another for personal items, and another for documents. This adds an extra layer of organization and makes it even easier to find what you’re looking for.
  • Consistent Labeling: Be consistent with your labeling. Use the same style and format for all your labels. This uniformity makes your office look neat and professional.
  • Update Regularly: As you add or remove items from your office, update your labels. This ensures that everything remains organized and easy to find.
  • Label Placement: Place labels where they are easily visible. For bins, place labels on the front. For shelves, labels can go on the edge. For drawers, labels on the outside or top edge work best.

By labeling everything, you create a system where every item has its place, making it easy to maintain order and find items quickly.

Hooks and clips: small tools, big impact—try this DIY office organization idea!

Use Hooks and Clips

Hooks and clips are small tools that can have a big impact on your office organization. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  • Choose Sturdy Hooks: Select hooks that can hold the weight of the items you plan to hang. Heavy-duty hooks are best for items like bags and headphones, while lighter hooks can hold keys and cables.
  • Strategic Placement: Place hooks in convenient locations. For example, hooks for keys should be near the door, while hooks for headphones and bags should be close to your desk.
  • Use Clips for Papers: Binder clips and paper clips are great for keeping papers together. Use larger clips to hang papers on hooks or attach them to a bulletin board.
  • Cable Clips: Use cable clips to keep cords and cables organized and out of the way. Stick them to the side of your desk or behind your computer to keep cables tidy.
  • Multi-Purpose Hooks: Consider hooks with multiple functions, such as those that include a small shelf or a built-in clip. These can provide additional storage options.

Using hooks and clips helps you keep frequently used items within reach and off your desk, reducing clutter and making your workspace more efficient.

Sort Papers and Mail

Paper clutter is a common issue in offices, but with a few simple steps, you can keep it under control. Here’s how:

  • Use Plastic Trays: Invest in a set of plastic trays to sort your papers and mail. Assign each tray a specific purpose, such as incoming mail, outgoing mail, to-do documents, and filing.
  • Sort Daily: Make it a habit to sort through your papers and mail daily. This prevents piles from building up and keeps your workspace tidy.
  • Create a Filing System: Set up a filing system for important documents. Use folders or binders labeled by category, such as bills, receipts, and project documents.
  • Go Digital: Whenever possible, digitize your documents. Scan important papers and store them on your computer or in the cloud. This reduces physical clutter and makes it easier to find documents.
  • Recycle Unnecessary Papers: Be diligent about recycling papers you no longer need. This includes junk mail, old documents, and drafts.
  • Use a Shredder: For documents containing sensitive information, use a shredder to dispose of them safely.

By sorting papers and mail regularly, you prevent clutter from taking over your desk and ensure that important documents are easy to find.

Keeping an office tidy is an ongoing DIY office organization idea.
Keeping an office tidy is an ongoing DIY office organization idea.

Regular Maintenance

Maintaining an organized office is an ongoing process. Here’s how to keep your workspace tidy:

  • Daily Clean-Up: Spend a few minutes at the end of each day tidying up your desk. Put items back in their designated spots, sort through papers, and clear away any clutter.
  • Weekly Review: Set aside time each week to review your organization system. Make any necessary adjustments and ensure everything is still in its place.
  • Monthly Deep Clean: Once a month, do a deep clean of your office. This includes dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning your desk and shelves. Use this time to reassess your organization system and make any improvements.
  • Stay Consistent: The key to maintaining an organized office is consistency. Make tidying up a regular part of your routine, and your workspace will stay neat and organized.

Regular maintenance ensures that your office stays organized and clutter-free, making it a more pleasant and productive place to work.


With these simple DIY office organization ideas, you can transform your cluttered desk into a neat and productive workspace. Remember, the key to maintaining an organized office is consistency. Make it a habit to tidy up regularly, and you’ll find that your productivity will soar. Happy organizing!

By implementing these DIY office organization ideas, you’ll not only boost your productivity but also create a workspace that you love. Give them a try and see the difference it makes!



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