Elytra: The Beetle-Shaped Coffee Table With Fold-Out Wings!

Last Updated on March 23, 2023 by Team Ideas24

Furniture pieces have evolved over generations, but we seldom find unique ones. This beetle-inspired coffee table is a great centerpiece indoors or outdoors! Its minimalist design combines function and beauty into one.

The Beetle Coffee Table

The Beetle Coffee Table from designer Paul Schreiber is a really neat piece of furniture inspired by the Volkswagen car. This table is made from a series of connected parts, and each piece can be manipulated to reveal a compartment inside; the compartments can be used for magazines, remote controls, daily planners, and other items.

Made from Ash, its legs are modeled after the Beetle’s iconic curves. The legs are crafted in a looped arch and give the table a slight floating look.

Radhika Dhumal, a young interior and furniture designer from India turned a simple sketch into a brilliant piece of brilliant furniture named Elytra.

coffee table

Elytra’s name derives from the hard shell covering that protects the delicate soft wings of insects, mostly found on beetles.

coffee table

It took Rhadika five weeks from the time she started doing the sketch up to the production of the coffee table.

It wasn’t a smooth journey from the start. One of the challenges she faced was making the glass inlays move. But she received support from highly skilled local furniture makers.

Elytra features a fold-out glass inlay similar to that of a beetle. It expands to 90 degrees from the main body of the table. This increases the surface area so the user can enjoy the extra space for food, coffee, and books. It also comes with insect-inspired legs, a rounded head, and a beetle-shaped main body.

The sophisticated legs of this table are made of solid wood and are lacquered in black or white, while the top surface is made of tempered glass.

The glass top can be folded upwards and placed in the solid wood side panels, or even be completely removed when the table is not in use. To ensure stability, the table legs are supported by rubber supports.

This table is not only functional as a table to put your coffee on.  It’s also a decoration that you can put in your showcase or other areas in your house.

Rhadika’s goal was to make the most out of the design and build process. She wanted a piece of furniture that is unique but also functional.

Radhika is now finishing her master’s at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, India. She received the EDIDA Award in Student Category for her unique coffee table. You view more of Rhadika’s work here.

What do you think of Elytra?

While you’re here, why not learn how to build a Cassette Tape Coffee Table?



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