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Whether it’s a work bench, rock garden, kitchen, desk, fire-pit or deck, making anything yourself is always very satisfying. But, for most people, the most rewarding experience is sharing the knowledge you gained as you worked on that project.
Right here, right now is where you can share that knowledge for the benefit of all. It’s easy. You can upload your photos, videos and material lists along with all the instructions you choose. And the credit is yours – now and always.
Getting started:
If you’ve used Word, Google Docs or any other word processing tool, you’re going to find this easy. For the rest of you, CLICK HERE for a quick video tutorial to make it easy for you too
Here are some general suggestions for everyone to get you underway…
- Start by giving your project a good title. “How to make a solid workbench this weekend” will get a lot more views than “My workbench”.
- Use sub-headings to separate your sections. It will make it much easier to follow your project steps.
- We suggest you use Heading 3, 4 and 5 rather than the bigger Headings 1 and 2. Stick to ‘Paragraph’ style for materials and instructions. Bullet lists might help.
- Place your photos above the relevant instruction or step. We’re visual animals and will head for the photo and miss the instructions!
- Don’t forget your “featured image” which will probably show the finished project.
- Categories and tags are going to help others find your post.
Ready to roll?
Here are the keys. Be home by midnight ?
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By uploading you are agreeing to the terms of use for this site but specifically, you are granting the right to use your uploaded project/s for promotional purposes without restriction, subject to us acknowledging your authorship of the uploaded project/projects.