DIY Ninja Star

Shuriken/Ninja Star Origami

Last Updated on March 2, 2023 by Team Ideas24

This is one of the classic origami many kids before the computer era enjoyed making. I remembered this while watching Ninja Assassin on the television the other day. It’s easy and fun to throw around which we could teach kids and let them play with.

DIY Ninja Star

What you’ll need: 2 pieces of Square Construction Paper for one star


DIY Ninja Star
DIY Ninja Star
DIY Ninja Star

Fold the paper crosswise twice.

DIY Ninja Star

Fold it in half horizontally.

DIY Ninja Star

Fold one side of the one piece up until the fold mark you have made in the previous step. Then fold one side of the other piece downward, again, aligning the nearer edge to the fold mark previously made.

DIY Ninja Star

Fold their opposite sides in the other direction, like in the photo below.

DIY Ninja Star

Flip them over…

Continued Page 2…



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