Sand Footprint Keepsakes

Unique DIY Sand Footprint Keepsakes: Memorable 6-Step Guide

Last Updated on May 22, 2024 by Team Ideas24

We all know that bittersweet feeling that comes when we realize how fast children grow. Too soon, it can sometimes seem, those little kids grow into the cares of adulthood. Sometimes, that realization can make living in appreciation that much harder. Sand footprint keepsakes help you preserve those memories.

Well, here’s a project to encapsulate just how little they once were!

Sand Footprint Keepsakes
DIY Sand Footprint Keepsakes

This baby footprint art is definitely going to be a nice reminder in the future of that fun time you had with your kids. Perfect family activity, especially during the summer! Just make sure you don’t forget to write the details at the back such as the month, year, and place you made your footprint art together. ;)

You can also make one give as a gift for mothers, fathers, grandpas, or grandmas!

Making Sand Footprint Keepsakes


  • Old Sheet/Plastic Tablecloth
  • Photo Frame
  • Sand
  • Plaster of Paris
  • Water
  • Cardboard
  • Spray-on Sealer
  • Sea Shells


  • Glue Gun
Sand Footprint Keepsakes
DIY Sand Footprint Keepsakes


Is this going to be your next challenge with the kids? :)

1. Cover your surface

Use any cover that will catch some falling drips of sand and plaster.

2. Prepare the frame

You may use a new frame, but it will be practical to use an old or recycled frame. Remove any cardboard or glass attached. Place the cardboard over the frame and turn it over to create a box. You are now ready to spread the sand. Leveling it with cardboard or anything straight may work.

3. Make the footprints

Stamp each foot with caution on the sand, and make it in an artistic way to give a great impression.

4. Pour the mixture

Using the Plaster of Paris, you can now pour the mixture gently and evenly. Start from one corner to another. Use a piece of cardboard to level it. Don’t press.

5. Let it dry

You can remove the cardboard from the front of the frame once the plaster has been set up, then tip it over and dust off the excess sand. Before spraying a sealer on it, I let it dry in the sun some more. If there is any loose sand, this will help glue it and seal it.

6. Make a beach-themed craft

This is optional, whatever design you prefer will fit this project. To make it a beach-themed craft, you can add and glue some shells, small stones, and artificial fish.

Click on any image to start the lightbox display. Use your Esc key to close the lightbox.8-)

What are other DIY footprint keepsakes ideas?

Baby butterfly footprints keepsake

Just color your baby’s feet with a skin-safe type of color, make sure he’s not allergic, and you can then stick your baby’s feet on a card or canvas, palate it in a frame, and display. This can be a great display in the living room, you can also give this as a present.

Heart-shaped footprint salt dough keepsake

All you have to do here is to make a heart-shaped dough. Then have your baby step on it, just be careful not to squeeze the dough too much. Bake it for just a few minutes. Let it settle and paint it. After drying, you can have this as a display.

Source: Hub Pages

Stoned footprints

Here, we will be using cement to make the flat stone. Before drying, let your kids step on it very gently, so as not to mess up the cement. Let it dry and there you have it! You can add some tiny colored gem-like stones on the sides as a design. You can give this as a gift, or just simply display it outside your doorstep.

Sand footprint keepsake

Finally, we have the sand footprint keepsake, as shown above, this procedure is fun and easy to do! :)

Thanks to Paging Fun Mums for this great project. You can get step-by-step instructions here

Personalization Techniques for Sand Footprint Keepsakes

Creating sand footprint keepsakes is a wonderful way to capture precious moments, but personalizing them can make these mementos even more special. Personalization turns a simple keepsake into a heartfelt treasure, enhancing its sentimental value. 

Here are several techniques to personalize your sand footprint keepsakes, ensuring they are as unique as the memories they hold.

Choose the Right Tools for Writing

The first step in personalizing your sand footprint keepsakes is selecting the appropriate tools. Permanent markers designed for use on rough surfaces are ideal for writing on the hardened plaster surface of the keepsake. Opt for waterproof and fade-resistant markers to ensure the inscriptions last as long as the keepsake itself. This allows you to add names, dates, or a special message directly on the keepsake.

Incorporate Colors and Paints

Adding color to your sand footprint keepsakes can transform them from simple casts to vibrant pieces of art. Use acrylic paints or metallic markers to fill in the footprints or to decorate the border around them. You can match the color scheme to the decor of the room where the keepsake will be displayed, or simply choose shades that remind you of the special day you created it.

Embedding Personal Items

For a truly unique touch, consider embedding small personal items into the plaster before it sets. This could be anything from a small piece of fabric from a favorite outfit, a tiny toy, or even a shell collected during the outing when the footprint was made. These items not only personalize the sand footprint keepsake but also encapsulate a story or a memory in a tangible form.

Add Themed Decorations

Tailoring your sand footprint keepsakes to reflect a theme can be a fun way to personalize them. For instance, if the keepsake commemorates a beach vacation, adding sea shells, sand from the beach, or small starfish can emphasize the theme. For a birthday keepsake, colorful sprinkles or miniature birthday cake decorations can be set into the plaster.

Engraved Plaques

For a more sophisticated touch, attach a small engraved plaque to the frame or base of your sand footprint keepsake. The plaque can bear the date of the footprint, the name of the individual, or a short personal message. This option adds a level of refinement and permanence to the keepsake that written messages cannot match.

By utilizing these personalization techniques, your sand footprint keepsakes will not only preserve the memory of those tiny feet but also reflect the personal stories and moments that make each keepsake invaluable. Whether displayed or gifted, these personalized touches ensure your sand footprint keepsakes are cherished for years to come.

Advanced Preservation Methods

Preserving sand footprint keepsakes is crucial to maintaining their appearance and integrity over time. While creating these keepsakes is a fun activity, ensuring they last for generations requires specific preservation methods. 

Here are advanced techniques to help protect and maintain your sand footprint keepsakes, so they continue to be a source of joy and nostalgia.

Use High-Quality Sealants

Applying a high-quality sealant is one of the most effective ways to protect sand footprint keepsakes. Choose a sealant that is compatible with plaster, such as a clear acrylic spray or a resin-based coating. 

These sealants provide a moisture-resistant barrier that prevents fading and crumbling, keeping the keepsake in pristine condition. Apply multiple light coats, allowing adequate drying time between applications to achieve the best protection.

Proper Drying Techniques

Before sealing, it’s essential to ensure that your sand footprint keepsake is thoroughly dried. Any moisture trapped inside the plaster can cause deterioration over time. 

Allow the keepsake to dry in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight, which can cause uneven drying and potential cracking. Depending on the thickness of the plaster, complete drying can take several days.

Climate Control

After your sand footprint keepsake is dry and sealed, storing it in a climate-controlled environment can significantly extend its lifespan. Extreme temperatures and high humidity are the main enemies of plaster-based keepsakes. 

Maintain a consistent, moderate temperature and use dehumidifiers or air conditioners in damp environments to prevent moisture absorption and mold growth.

Handling and Transportation

Handling your sand footprint keepsake with care is crucial to its preservation. When moving or transporting the keepsake, wrap it in soft, padded materials and place it in a sturdy box to prevent chipping or breaking. Always lift the keepsake from the base rather than the edges, and avoid touching the surface directly to keep oils and dirt from damaging it.

Regular Maintenance

Regularly inspect your sand footprint keepsake for signs of wear or damage. Dust it gently with a soft brush or cloth to avoid accumulation of dirt that can embed in the surface over time. If the keepsake is displayed in an open area, consider encasing it in a glass cabinet to protect it from dust, spills, and physical contact.

By implementing these advanced preservation methods, you ensure that your sand footprint keepsakes remain beautiful and intact. This not only preserves the physical appearance of the keepsake but also protects the precious memories associated with it, allowing them to be cherished and appreciated for many years to come.


Making sand footprint keepsakes is a meaningful way to capture and cherish memories of special moments. With the right techniques for personalization and preservation, these keepsakes can be transformed into lasting treasures. Carefully crafted and maintained, they serve as beautiful, tangible reminders of times gone by.

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